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Welcome to Gadget Plus home of trending and amazing worldwide gadgets, please note that products on this store are directly imported from China which means delivery will vary depending order time and date. Most deliveries take 12 to 15 days Product Description : Cutting edge performance - Enjoy 4K HDR visuals, a 110º field of view and advanced graphical rendering. PlayStation VR2 Sense technology - Feel real sensations and emotions with eye tracking, headset feedback, 3D Audio and highly intuitive controls. Quick setup - Jump straight into the action with a simple one-cable connection to your PS5_ console. Thrilling new worlds - Surround yourself in a new generation of genre-defining VR games. Package includes:VR headsetPlayStation VR2 Sense controllerUSB cable (for controller pairing and charging)Stereo headphonesThree pairs of earpiecesPrinted materialsQ |